

从创立之初 玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比 in 1909, 十大最好的网赌平台 has remained faithful to its original mission: To produce educated women who are independent, 道德责任, 并准备好充满信心地迎接社会的挑战. 这一使命体现在十大网赌平台推荐所做的每一件事上, from campus traditions to our innovative curricula 和 teaching philosophy. It inspires both faculty 和 students to engage in a vitally enriching educational community. 男孩2岁到5岁,女孩2岁到12年级, 十大网赌平台推荐的课程, 教学方法, 课外学习计划, 设施的设计是为了培养十大网赌平台推荐所有的学生, 在他们发展的每一个阶段, those qualities of mind 和 character implicit in our mission statement.


阿什利学院的学生有七个特点, habits of mind 和 action they strive to cultivate in themselves 和 one another 也就是说,成为 聪明的, 有创意的, 富有同情心的, 眼光敏锐的, 协作, 有目的的, 世俗的.

多元化、公平、包容 & 归属感

We celebrate that our community is built on the strengths 和 talents of every student, 老师, 家长, 女校友, 工作人员, that every individual in the 十大最好的网赌平台 community has a unique 和 valuable contribution to make to our collective pursuit of integrity 和 academic excellence. We believe that our differences contribute to a more 有目的的 campus discourse that honors 和 includes many perspectives 和 that an authentic sense of 归属感 depends on building a culture of agency, 信任, 和尊重. 此外, we assert that diversity that is inclusive 和 woven into the fabric of our School is essential to achieving educational 和 academic excellence. 因此, we strive to cultivate a community that values 和 embodies inclusivity, 股本, 尊重, 归属感, 和参与. 点击下面的按钮阅读完整的声明.

多元化、公平、包容 & 归属声明


十大最好的网赌平台 is the Only All-Girls’ Independent Private School in South Carolina

As the only all-girls’ independent private school in South Carolina, 阿什利大厅的定位是独一无二的. Our exceptional program is intentionally tailored to the way girls learn best—through collaboration, 讨论, 个性化关注.


  • Does your daughter’s current school encourage her to find her voice?
  • Does your daughter’s school inspire girls to pursue their passion even in areas traditionally dominated by men?
  • 你女儿学校的女生都担任领导职务吗? 他们是班长吗?? 他们是年鉴的主编吗?
  • 他们是否同样重视女子运动队和男子运动队?



十大最好的网赌平台校长博士. 安妮·韦斯顿

十大最好的网赌平台现任校长, Dr. 安妮·桑希尔·韦斯顿,73年 进行 小姐McBee”献身于 单一性别教育 和 is fully committed to providing young women every possible opportunity to acquire the skills 和 knowledge they need to become twenty-first century citizens of the world.

在她担任阿什利霍尔管理人员的几年里. Weston has championed important curricular 和 wellness programs while celebrating an exp和ing record of student scholarship 和 college placements. Now as the School’s sixth 校长 和 the only 女校友 to hold the position, Dr. Weston brings her experience as a seasoned 和尊重ed educator to her role, 以及对十大最好的网赌平台的热爱, 有沟通的天赋, 以及作为妇女和女孩终身倡导者的积极领导.



Stewarding this mission 和 working closely with the 校长 is a 校董会 composed of established leaders in education, 业务, 以及社区服务. 的 Board works to ensure that 十大最好的网赌平台 continues to flourish 和 exercises its counsel 和 energies to plan for the School’s immediate 和 long-range stability.



Considered one of the most impressive independent school faculties in the Southeast, 十大最好的网赌平台’s teaching 工作人员 are dedicated to the success of each 和 every student.

十大最好的网赌平台学院 & 工作人员列表


41 outst和ing young women of this year’s graduating class were accepted by 97 of the most prestigious colleges 和 universities in the nation 和 around the world. 阿什利霍尔社区为他们所取得的成就感到自豪!




阿什利霍尔生产了许多不同的 出版物 全年与社区保持联系. 请点击下面的按钮查看十大网赌平台推荐过去的作品.



的 School’s ongoing stability is derived in large part from a continuity of campus culture rich in tradition 和 a 尊重 for the past which steadies our stance in the present 和 enables us to plan for the future with confidence in our ability to, 这是十大网赌平台推荐学校的祷文, “知道值得知道的事。, to love that which is worth loving…with true judgment to distinguish things that differ….” Our resolve is further buttressed by our collective dedication to the 十大最好的网赌平台, 思想和行动的习惯,十大网赌平台推荐所有在阿什利大厅的学生, 老师, 工作人员, 父母, 女校友——努力培养自己:要聪明, 有创意的, 富有同情心的, 眼光敏锐的, 协作, 有目的的, 和世俗的.


十大最好的网赌平台 Parent Partnership |查尔斯顿,南卡罗来纳州


A strong positive relationship between 十大最好的网赌平台 和 the School’s families is important to the success of our community. With this in mind, 十大最好的网赌平台 is introduces a newly designed 家庭伙伴关系 program in 2021. 点击按钮了解更多信息.



感谢你对十大最好的网赌平台的工作感兴趣. Click on the button below to view available positions 和 to access the application process.  


If you have any questions about the application process, please contact:

Lynsey Barrows |人力资源经理| (电子邮件保护) | (843) 720-2880


阿什利霍尔是一所K-12女子私立学校, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, 致力于有才华和多样化的学生群体. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin.